Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just In: Giant WWF PPV Programs

It's always fun to dig up something a bit unusual to share with everyone. Here's one of those instances. Before WWE saturated the market with pay-per-view events, there was your basic four (or if you're a purist, two or three) events each year. Programs from these events were one of the easiest ways to capture the essence of each show long after the event had finished.

For Summerslam '94, the WWF began a brief stint of releasing giant-sized programs for their PPV events. These magazines differed from the standard PPV programs in two distinct ways:

  • Size: The actual dimensions of the magazines dwarfed the standard program, measuring about 13 inches in length. This drove home the idea that the fan was buying something that shouldn't be trashed at the end of the night when the event was over.
  • A huge poster: This actually started with the Survivor Series '94 program. For the extra five bucks, people who bought these huge programs also got a massive pull-out poster. These bad boys were practically worth the price of admission alone, measuring over 40 inches in length.
We're happy to make four of these programs available for your collecting needs. Enjoy.

Summerslam '94

Survivor Series '94

Royal Rumble '95

Wrestlemania XI

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