Saturday, November 29, 2008

Check Out: Our WWF Program Selection

One of the sectors of our operation we take considerable pride in is our wrestling magazine selection. Moreover, we offer one of the larger varieties of true vintage WWF magazines on eBay. If you dig a bit deeper, you'll find we have a healthy selection of WWF event programs. These range from the standard WWF program line to the PPV-dedicated titles.

Some of the titles you'll come across in your search include:

Check out the full selection of our WWF programs here.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

50 Percent Off (48 Hours Only)

Happy Thanksgiving, all. Maybe it's the bellies full of turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, but we're getting a head start on the holiday savings sales. We're offering a 50 percent discount off already low prices on 500 items today and tomorrow. No codes necessary. Simply check out our eBay store and browse our inventory for the selected sales items. Lots of wrestling videos, figures, Marvel comics, and music books are included.

So browse our store while you let that extra piece of pumpkin pie digest. The savings will sooth any stomach aches and pains those extra goodies are causing you right about now.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

WWF Summerslam with Coliseum Video Shrink Wrap

Anyone who's kept tabs on how factory-sealed wrestling videos fare on the secondary market knows how pricey things can get. Likewise are the videos that, while open, still have their original factory shrink wrap included. We've added a handful of such videos to our eBay store and at affordable prices (especially considering the titles fetch a "pretty penny" on their own). Check 'em out:

  • Summerslam '90: Features a double main event of Hulk Hogan vs. Earthquake and Rick Rude taking on The Ultimate Warrior within a steel cage for the WWF title. Also notable for the 2/3 falls tag team title match between Demoliton and The Hart Foundation.

  • Summerslam '92: Another Summerslam featuring a double main event. This time around, it's The Ultimate Warrior going after Randy Savage's WWF Title and the British Bulldog looking to capture the Intercontinental title from Bret Hart on his home soil.

  • Summerslam '94: Features a classic steel cage match for the WWF Title between Bret and Owen Hart. Also, we've got the infamous Undertaker vs. Undertaker main event.

Monday, November 24, 2008

1980s WWF from Coliseum Video

We're still here, folks. We apologize for the lack of updates over the last several years. We're back and ready to roll for the big holiday shopping season. We've got some specials lined up and as always, we've got you covered on the vintage collectible front.

You're going to want to head over to our eBay store and check out our '80s wrestling video section. We just added more than 20 videos from the glorious '80s, courtesy of Coliseum Video. Some of the highlights include:
These are all priced to move. And don't forget about our 20 percent discount for subscribing to our newsletter. We've had many people take advantage of this offer. It's as simple as subscribing to the newsletter. We'll take care of the rest. We'll be updating almost every day through the new year, so check back daily.