Wednesday, November 26, 2008

WWF Summerslam with Coliseum Video Shrink Wrap

Anyone who's kept tabs on how factory-sealed wrestling videos fare on the secondary market knows how pricey things can get. Likewise are the videos that, while open, still have their original factory shrink wrap included. We've added a handful of such videos to our eBay store and at affordable prices (especially considering the titles fetch a "pretty penny" on their own). Check 'em out:

  • Summerslam '90: Features a double main event of Hulk Hogan vs. Earthquake and Rick Rude taking on The Ultimate Warrior within a steel cage for the WWF title. Also notable for the 2/3 falls tag team title match between Demoliton and The Hart Foundation.

  • Summerslam '92: Another Summerslam featuring a double main event. This time around, it's The Ultimate Warrior going after Randy Savage's WWF Title and the British Bulldog looking to capture the Intercontinental title from Bret Hart on his home soil.

  • Summerslam '94: Features a classic steel cage match for the WWF Title between Bret and Owen Hart. Also, we've got the infamous Undertaker vs. Undertaker main event.

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