Sunday, November 15, 2009

Item of the Day (11.15.09): Survivor Series '87

With Survivor Series just around the corner, now seems like the time to reflect on some of the previous Survivor Series events that have made the annual PPV such a staple in our wrestling calendar.

Debuting in November 1987, the Survivor Series originally centered on tag team competition where the object was to...survive. In the event's first year, the team competition involved teams of five squaring off. Though limited to four matches on the card, the first Series is still a fan favorite today for several reasons. Here are some:

  • The in-ring return of Andre the Giant. Andre hadn't stepped into the ring since his famous match with Hulk Hogan the previous March at Wrestlemania III. The main event, which featured both men leading their team against the other, marked Andre's return to active competition.
  • The 20-man tag match. One thing the first Series did was display how deep the WWF was in its tag team division. This match collect 10 tag teams and throws them all into the same ring for one fun exhibition. We've got a ton of legends involved: Bret Hart, Dynamite Kid, Demolition, Tito Santana, Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo, and so many more. Clocking in at nearly an hour, this match easily steals the show.
  • The tag team format. It sounds weird now that we're over two decades removed from the event. But this five-on-five format was a novel concept at the time. To see virtually every star in the promotion come together on the same card was something that was virtually unheard of at the time.
So while you wait for this year's Survivor Series, grab a hold of the debut edition and enjoy some history.

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